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Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. Sanshamani Vati (90 Tab)

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹162.00.

Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. Sanshamani Vati (90 Tab) – This Kalpa prepared from Guduchi has excellent Rasa Dhatvagnivardhan and Amapachan action. Sanshamani Vati i.e. Guduchi Ghana Vati being Tridoshashamak is also an excellent Rasayan. Guduchi being the best Jwaraghna Dravya, this Kalpa is used in all types of Jwar. Sanshamani Vati can also be used successfully in conditions of Rasadhatu Dushti due to its action of Rasa Dhatvagnivardhan. Sanshamani Vati is also extremely effective in Jwar present in Sootikavastha.

Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. Sanshamani Vati – Each Tablet contains – Guduchi Ghana 125 mg
All types of Jwar, Ajeerna, Amlapitta, Daha, Gynaecological disorders especially Kashtartava, Aniyamit Rajahpravrutti, Amavata, Vatarakta
90 Tab.
1 to 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day with honey, Ardrak Swarasa or lukewarm water or as directed by the Ayurveda Physician.
Weight 0.02 kg


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