
Guduchi 60 Tablets

Original price was: ₹85.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Guduchi , more commonly known as Giloy in Hindi, is a medicinal herb having the scientific name Tinospora cordifolia. It is known world over by other names like
Heart-leaved moonseed or Tinospora in english. It is celebrated by the seers by eulogizing its importance by name – Amruta, as in elixir. Indian mythology records
its importance in energizing celestial beings from ageing, keeping them eternally young. Such are the properties of Guduchi, sometimes regarded loosely as
‘miraculous’. Guduchi is a climbing shrub with heart shaped leaves with thick, succulent stem and has long aerial roots hanging down from the host tree. The cut
section of its stem shows a characteristic wheel like structure. Yellow flowers grow in summer and fruits appear in winter. Whole plant of Guduchi consisting of
leaf, stem and root is used as medicine.

Guduchi Tablet contains 500 mg of pure Guduchi.
Guduchi is a potent drug useful in a variety of disorders. Regarded as a Rasayan – it improves overall tissue health in the body. Documented research shows that
it improves functions of the body systems and boosts ‘immunity’1, 2, 3. This allows Guduchi to be classified as a supplement or positive health promoter as well,
in addition to being a medicine. It is regarded by Ayurved practitioners as a drug of choice for effective management of Jaundice and liver dysfunction4. Its inbuilt
attribute ‘Vata-Shleshma-Shonit-Vibandha-Prashamana’ aids its usefulness in reducing swelling and inflammation associated with Gout.
60 Tablets.
1 to 2 tablets 3 to 4 times a day with lukewarm water. For Rasayana effects, in adults: 3 Guduchi Tablets two times a day with honey (2 teaspoonful) mixed with
water (1/2 cup). To maintain health of Respiratory system, in adults: 2 Guduchi Tablets after dinner with honey (2 teaspoonful) mixed with water (1/2 cup). To
nourish normal Liver function and as an adjuvant therapy in Jaundice, in adults: 2 Guduchi Tablets three times a day with honey (2 teaspoonful) mixed with water
(1/2 cup). We would advise consulting your Ayurved Physician here. Please do not add honey in warm water. To strengthen Digestive system and for
symptomatic relief in tastelessness, anorexia, bodyache, weakness, in adults: 3 to 4 Guduchi Tablets two times a day with lukewarm water. Anupan: A
recommended media advised by Ayurved for optimal assimilation.
Consult your Ayurved Physician, if symptoms are long standing, persist or worsen.

Weight 0.210 kg
Dimensions 15.24 × 10.16 × 10.16 cm


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